Some customers prefer to have Run do some or all of the initial setup of their website and we provide two paid add-ons for this. We currently do not provide any options for ongoing design work on your site.
Note: Do not edit your site while the Run team is working on it to avoid overwriting changes.
Full site setup
The Full Site Setup add-on costs $1000 and can be paid for on your Site Settings page (under Payments and Domain) either before or after you've purchased your site subscription.
This service involves the customer sending to Run (at [email protected]):
Site text
Images (including logo)
Brief written overview of your campaign and it's strategy and audience.
Then Run will set up your site using the content you've provided. We may request a live meeting to discuss your site, depending on the situation.
The work we do must happen in no more than two contiguous sessions, has a maximum limit of five hours, and must be complete within 45 days of the payment.
You must provide a single point of contact for the work, who will be the primary person communicating with Run for the duration of the project.
Our work can include, but is not limited to:
Figuring out the best way to format your content within the components Run provides, and adding that content
Choosing or creating a color palette
Choosing website fonts
Color-correcting or editing photos you've provided to best fit the space
Editing or removing the white background on your logo (if possible)
Setting up integrations
Helping with domain and DNS issues
Designing a district map for your website
Making content suggestions
Polish session
The Polish Session add-on costs $250 and can be paid for on your Site Settings page (under Payments and Domain) either before or after you've purchased your site subscription.
This service starts with the customer adding all their content to their website and getting things as far along as they can. Upon completion, the customer sends to Run (at [email protected]):
Images (including logo)
Brief written overview of your campaign and it's strategy and audience
Any specific requests of things you'd like Run to work on
At this point, Run will do a 15-minute audit and provide a suggested list of improvements that can be completed in approximately two hours. The customer can approve or reject suggestions from the audit, and then Run will go ahead and execute as many of the approved edits as it can within the time window.
The work we do must happen in one contiguous session, has a maximum limit of two hours, and must be complete within 45 days of the payment.
You must provide a single point of contact for the work, who will be the primary person communicating with Run for the duration of the project.
Our work can include, but is not limited to:
Figuring out the best way to format your content within the components Run provides
Choosing or creating a color palette
Choosing website fonts
Color-correcting or editing photos you've provided to best fit the space
Editing or removing the white background on your logo (if possible)
Setting up integrations
Helping with domain and DNS issues
Designing a district map for your website
Making content suggestions