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Managing pages

Manage the pages on your site and where they appear in your menus

Updated over a year ago

To manage your pages, start by clicking Pages in the upper left corner of the Run CMS, and then you can manage your pages on the sidebar that appears.

Adding new pages

At the bottom of the sidebar, click New Page. By default, the new page will be in the Draft category and will be named New Page. See below for how to update those defaults.

Deleting or hiding pages

If a page has a Trash icon on it, it can be deleted. Deletion is irreversible. Alternatively, to hide a page from your site, either because it's not technically deletable, or because you want to use it later, simply drag it into the Draft category.

Linking pages externally

If you want a tab/link to send site viewers to an external link versus a page on your Run site, simply click the Link (chain) icon and paste the URL into the box provided.

Rename pages and page links (slugs)

To rename your page, click the name of the page on the sidebar OR first navigate to the page by clicking the Edit (pencil) icon, and then click Page Settings in the top navigation bar. Once you do that, you can edit both the page name and it's link (slug) in the sidebar.

Nesting pages

To nest pages in dropdown menus, simply drag them on top of other pages. The parent page can be hidden using the Show/Hide (eye) icon.

Page Categories

By dragging and dropping pages between categories in the Pages sidebar, you can control where the links to those pages appear on your Run site, and if those pages are hidden from public view.

Main navigation: Exactly as it sounds, this in the main navigation menu in the header of your page

Featured navigation: This is the featured button on the top right of your header component. Only one page is allowed here.

Footer navigation: Small links in your footer, perfect for privacy policy and terms and conditions pages.

Unlisted: The pages don't show up in your site menus at all, but are live. Good for landing pages or creating redirect links.

Draft: These pages are completely hidden from public view. This is a good place to store pages you might want to use later.

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